
Reading & Phonics

In whole class guided reading, teachers choose books from our reading spine ‘The 5 plagues of reading’.
The ‘5 plagues’ are 5 areas of reading that children find difficult, so by giving children access to these they can develop into confident readers. Books from the spine are chosen carefully to align with the broader curriculum and to help children understand diversity, inclusion, tolerance, disability and to enter into lives that are different from their own.
Guided reading is taught using VIPERS, to cover the 6 reading domains of vocabulary, inference, predictions, explanations, retrieval, sequencing and summarising. 
We follow the Read Write Inc programme for phonics, supplemented with additional VIPER reading materials. Our approach is systematic, consistent and rigorous in order that all children become readers as quickly as possible.
When children are ready, they will take home a book that they can practice at home. This will be made up entirely of decodable words, using the sounds that they have learnt in school. 

Grade-Ruan C of E Primary School
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