
Collective Worship

What does Collective Worship feel like at our school?
Collective worship is the heartbeat of the school day where we come together as a school to think about our Christian vision and values and how God would want us to live. We often go to the Church for worship which is very special.
Worship is delivered so that all children and adults, of any faith or none, are invited to find out what Christians believe about God, the world and themselves, and have reflection time wondering about the big questions of life. Staff and pupils alike value the time of quiet and stillness as a way to bring the community together. The content of worship is carefully sequenced around our Christian values and follows the Church Year by recognising festivals and celebrations such as Harvest and Pentecost.
Our Worship Team of pupils and staff deliver worship together and follow the structure of 'Gathering' 'Engaging' 'Responding' and 'Sending'.
Gathering - A special atmosphere is created to show the children that this is a distinctive part of our school day. We light a candle and say, "We start our worship by lighting the candle to show that Jesus is the Light of the World.”
Engaging - We engage (‘get to grips with’) the big things and the little things in life. We encounter Jesus and the stories of the Bible. We listen for God’s message to us.
Responding - We respond to what we have heard and seen. We reflect together and as individuals. We are given the opportunity to worship God and sing together.
Sending - We are sent out with a message to love and serve one another and to make a difference in the world. We are all dismissed with God’s blessing.
Our Worship Team
Our Worship Leaders are a group of children whose job is to support collective worship and the Church ethos of the school. Our Worship team help to plan and deliver worship to the rest of the school, using stories and drama. They wear badges so that everyone knows who they are and what they do. During their time as a leader, they work towards achieving a Leader of Collective Worship award.
Our weekly rota for collective worship:
Monday: Worship Team and Head of Schools collective worship
Tuesday: Open the Book
Wednesday: Worship Team collective worship
Thursday: Singing collective worship
Friday: Celebration collective worship

Grade-Ruan C of E Primary School
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